Palm Tree Maintenance 101 | Guide to Perfect Palm Tree Care

With over 2500 different types of palm trees, maintenance can be a very personal thing, depending on your particular one. That being said, there are some basic necessities of palm tree maintenance you could apply to essentially any tree.

Back to the Roots

The roots of palm trees are not like other trees. Root balls are not very big, and do not branch off too far out from the tree itself. It is important to keep this in mind when planting one, and especially while maintaining its hydration levels.

Nutrients In the Palm of Your Hand

Another thing to keep in mind is where your palm tree will receives most of its nutrients from. Topsoil is the primary source of nutrients for most palm trees, meaning that proper care is a must.

To keep your palm hydrated, make sure water reaches at least a foot into the soil. The proper way to do this is to dig and test the moisture of the soils, effectively measuring how often your tree needs to be watered.

Pruning and Pests

Most palm trees shed their old fronds naturally. The truth is, however, that sometimes you may have to prune them yourself. It is important to remember to cut away from the trunk, as this can be easily damaged if you’re careless. These open wounds, in turn, can be entryways for insects and diseases.

Never cut off more fronds than the tree produces in a year. Palm trees have set numbers of fronds with another set of buds ready to develop, meaning you can trim too much.

There are many different varieties of pests that may attack palm trees as well. Most of them do not cause lethal damage, but can leave an unsightly mess. Pesticides can help with these situations, but they can be dangerous to the trunk if not used properly.

Palm Tree Maintenance is not unlike maintenance with most trees, they need water and general maintenance. Here at Action Tree Care, we are a team of arborists specializing in tree care and customer satisfaction. Visit our website for more helpful information and see how we can help your trees stand tall!
