Storms in Florida can be intense, and your trees are often the most affected. Understanding how to prevent damage, assess post-storm conditions, and repair or remove affected trees is key to maintaining your landscape’s health and beauty. In this blog, we’ll explore these key aspects of storm damage and tree care.


Preventive care is the first line of defense against storm damage. Regular tree maintenance, including proper pruning and trimming, can help mitigate potential risks. Removing dead or weak branches can reduce the likelihood of breakage during a storm. It’s also essential to check for signs of disease or pests, as these can weaken a tree’s structure.

However, prevention isn’t always about removal. Encouraging strong tree growth can also play a significant role in preventing damage. Deep root watering, proper fertilization, and soil management can help trees develop a strong root system that offers better stability during storms.


After a storm, it’s crucial to assess your trees for any potential damage. Look for broken or dangling branches, split trunks, or lifted root systems. While minor damage can often be addressed with pruning and tree care, severe damage may require professional intervention.

Always exercise caution when assessing storm damage. Downed power lines, broken branches, and destabilized trees can pose significant risks. If you’re unsure about a tree’s condition, consider consulting with a professional ISA Certified Arborist.

Repair and Removal

Depending on the extent of the damage, your trees may need repair or removal. Minor damage, such as broken branches, can often be addressed with careful pruning. More serious issues, like large splits in the trunk or significant root damage, may necessitate tree removal.

Tree removal should always be handled by professionals to ensure safety. At Action Tree Care, our experienced team provides comprehensive tree removal services in Volusia County, Seminole County, and surrounding areas. We prioritize your safety and your property’s visual appeal, ensuring a seamless and efficient process from start to finish.

In conclusion, while storm damage can be distressing, understanding prevention, assessment, and repair can help you navigate these challenges. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to consult with a tree care professional. Contact us at (386) 444-5210 for all your tree care needs.
